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Wednesday, 11 April 2012

End of The World?

Man, what a hectic day this has been. Problems seem to be flying around left and right trolling everybody. Seems like somebody set Life's difficulty level to 'Chuck Norris'.

As some of you may heard, the city of Acheh has once again been struck by earthquake, and an impending tsunami disaster. Now, if we take a look back in time, 2007 seems to be the turn of a tide [quite literally] for our world. Since 2007, there has been numerous reports of natural disaster, all the way from hurricanes to earthquakes. Now, I am not saying that back in the olden days there weren't any, but they sure weren't blown up as big as today's disaster.

That really begs the question, are we REALLY just overreacting? or are we really looking at the end of the world? Now see, there's two side to this, just like everything in life. To say that back in the olden days disasters were less serious, that is quite an understatement. In the 90's itself, there has been repeated earthquakes ranging from America to Taiwan and Japan. Sure, the news did went international, but did they receive all the attention as today's news? This now leads us to the improvement in technology. Thanks to networking sites like Facebook and Twitter, news travel at a faster speed and in massive quantities as opposed to the backwards technology of radio/print press/television. People back in the days might take about 1-2 days to even get a clue of what is going on, whereas now, almost instantly we get the information. Case in point, my blog. I just got this news merely hours ago and just decided to sit down and write this post.

So, what is this about the end of the world and shit? The most accepted theory is that it is just another 'bubble', akin to the Y2K bubble. Just rumors, and when the rumors reach to a point where it conflicts against one another, that is when the bubble pops. A trend really, when it gets too mainstream, it just ends. If our argument premise is that this past decade natural disasters had been hitting us hard and constantly and thus legit to say the end of the world is coming, based on that same premise we can say that the end of the world should have came long ago. I don't have hard facts to give now, go wikipedia the information and I personally can guarantee that the amount of natural disasters in the past is the same as today's disasters if not more.

With that said, regardless of severity or location, a natural disaster is still a tragedy. Thousands of people, sometimes even tens of thousands, lose their life just because they happened to be at the wrong place at the wrong time. It is a tragedy, and to say we empathize them, we can never understand how it feels to lose a loved one to such a tragic disaster, unless we ourselves have experienced it. Some put their faith in God to help the poor souls, some actually help in means of shelter, food, and basic necessities. I personally feel helpless for not being able to contribute, and offering a prayer seems a bit too petty and easy to pass off as helping. Regardless, My condolences to the people of Acheh, and may you recover as quickly as possible. Masato signing off.

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