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Friday, 11 March 2011


The melodious echo of the school bell ringing, the shouts of joy of students while throwing their hands up in the air. Ah, it's here. It's finally here. HOLIDAYS! 

The holidays are here and I wish all of my friends and family a happy and fun-filled holiday. Let me share a line that I've saved for this occasion; 'No more school, no more books. No more teacher's dirty looks'. Seriously, I f'kin love holidays. But the thought that it is only one week is a realll bummer =/. Oh wells, beggars can't be choosers.

Well, quick update of my life. Went to listen the driving theory thingy, f'kin waste of time. Spent 3 hours listening to something that can be wrapped up in 15 minutes. God, Malaysia's system suck. anyways, the driving theory is practically just a briefing of what I am going to experience during the test. Still a waste of time. 

My birthday just ended like 2 days ago. 17 year old now WooT! getting older day by day =/, wish I was like Peter Pan, never have to grow old xD. Got 3 of my most wanted books from my parents; love you mum and dad! The titles are  'The photographer's mind' 'The photographer's eye' and 'Perfect exposure'. Complicated yet awesome books, check it out photogs.

And following latest events, the Tsunami incident that has struck Japan and Taiwan. It seems, God, wherever He is, is unleashing his fury upon us day by day. First New Zealand now Asia, things just get worst every single day. I don't believe in this apocalyptic crap and stuff, but I seriously think things are getting way out of hand. The thought of the world ending just makes my neck cringe. brrr. I pray for the safety of the people of Japan and Taiwan, and Hawaii too. 

Well, that summarizes my post of the day. Signing off peeps!

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