Societal issues; being a judgmental prick. What does it truly mean to be judgmental? Have you actually thought about that? Is it judgmental to make an instantaneous judgement upon someone who looks skinny, pale, and haggard and simply label them as a drug addict? What about that man over that street corner that wears a long trench coat, sitting on a bench minding his own business?
The former is a cancer patient and the latter a pervert wanking his joystick.
See, what I'm trying to point out is that, we as a society, we're the single most judgmental and pretentious species on planet Earth. But that's good. Why you ask? simple, we need to be judgmental for our society to function, and being pretentious is just the by-product to encourage us to be judgmental. By comparing others with ourselves, we create illusions that we are "better" than them in certain, or if you're really a narcissist then perhaps all, aspects. It's the bread and butter of our existence, the very foundation of our "trust system".
Being judgmental is good, very good for ourselves as a species. BUT. But the main problem here is HOW judgmental we are as a society. What am I on about you ask? well, take this for example, pretty people. It is hard-wired in our biology and society that all the pretty people gets the good stuff, and pretty=perfect/good. So, taking that as a basis for judgement, every time we walk about the street we draw a quick sketch on a person's profile.
"Breast? a wee bit too small. Height? not bad. Looks? meh, alright I guess, not as fine as the one to her right, hot damn. Fashion? she dresses alright, bet she's from a normal family though".
That was the train of thought for a typical male(sorry ladies, I'm aware that the comparison might seem sexist, but I'm too lazy to make two comparisons for both genders), and it happens almost instantaneously, frequently. That's the scary thing, we judge people on a daily basis and almost every second, but we only care about superficial stuff such as who's hot or not, to the point where it is embedded in our subconscious.
Judging, or assessing, was used as a form of survival tool back in the olden days, to determine if a person is worthy of trust or not. It was important, or else a tribe might let a serial killer in their midst.
But today, it's a joke. Anime? ew, what the heck? they are adults watching cartoons. Board games? get a life nerd. Can't afford a new phone? pfft, loser.
Get what I mean? As a geek, I've been on the receiving end of the stick for too long I can't even remember.
It's scary, because our society is "progressing" and we because are at peace, the judging process grew to allow the inclusion such superficial thoughts. Sure, you might argue that it ensures that the "alpha" dog of the pack is chosen, but I argue that it breeds ignorant bullies and superficial people. Unless your idea of "alpha" is a bunch of jocks or brainless douchebags that contributes nothing of significant importance to the human race, then you need help.
So what if somebody has a different taste? So what if you can't seem to understand others for who they are? That does not give you the right to judge and worst, act upon your judgement. Keep it to yourselves, and keep the process simple; judge those who happen to be a threat to their immediate surrounding or to humanity in general.
Like I said, survival tool baby, use the hammer wisely.